You don’t have to continue paying off your credit card debt at a higher interest rate! I’m not talking about bankruptcy! I’m talking about financial hardship programs at credit card companies! Every credit card company has a financial hardship program. They’d rather you pay them the money in full at a lower interest rate than never pay them at all.
If you’re having trouble paying off credit card debt, call your credit card company and ask to apply to their hardship program. There are some caveats though:
1. They will close the credit card so that you cannot use it anymore.
2. You will have to be on autopay for a fixed monthly payment.
If you’re in a bind, call them! Get out of this debt! They can lower your interest rate and lower your monthly payment!
Comment below if you’ve tried this before!
If you’re having trouble paying off credit card debt, call your credit card company and ask to apply to their hardship program. There are some caveats though:
1. They will close the credit card so that you cannot use it anymore.
2. You will have to be on autopay for a fixed monthly payment.
If you’re in a bind, call them! Get out of this debt! They can lower your interest rate and lower your monthly payment!
Comment below if you’ve tried this before!
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