КАЛЬКУЛЯТОР КРЕДИТНЫХ КАРТ СКАЧАТЬ : Amazon Bug get 80₹+80₹ unlimited cashback in one account 100% working now Amazon 2020 bug Trick

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in prime ac u get 120₹ cashback in normal ac 80₹ cashback

full process

Amazon Bug Offer
₹80-120 CashBack Unlimited Times

You need to have 3 Amazon accounts and 3 different browsers MUST(one with Indian number and 2 any number)

Login 1 account in 1 browser

1. Login into your first account (with any number US or Indian)

2. Click on your account Manage address delete all addresses and save a new address

3. Do the same process in second account in second browser (with any number US or Indian)

4. Copy any of the below links






5. Paste one of above links in first account and select maximum possible quantity and add it to cart

6. Click proceed to buy and select your address (address you have saved from step 2)

7. Choose NetBanking and then any bank and PLACE YOUR ORDER AND PAY.
Wait for few seconds on NetBanking page then click back your order will be in pending state and after 10-20 minute' it will be failed

8. Now repeat steps in second account. Copy the same product link in second browser choose maximum quantity and add it to cart
Select your recently added address and then select NetBanking
Click place your order and pay
Then wait for few seconds on NetBanking page the click back
Order will be failed within 10-20 minutes

9. Wait for both account orders to be failed then login into 3rd account in 3rd browser. 3rd account must have a Indian number linked
Go to your account addresses delete all addresses and save EXACT SAME ADDRESS as above 2 accounts and one dummy(random) address.

10. Now paste same product link in 3rd browser and select quantity 3 and then click BUY MORE SAVE MORE and select lowest price Product from there then click add to Cart

11. Now you have 4 quantity of main product and 1 buy more save more product

12. Now click proceed to buy
And then scroll till end , and select DELIVER TO MULTIPLE ADDRESSES

13. Now choose EXACT SAME FAILED ADDRESS in 4 quantity product. And select dummy(random) address in buy more save more product.

14. Now click on continue till payment page you will see 80-120 Cashback there if yes then PAY VIA AMAZON PAY BALANCE OR UPI. Then those 4 quantity product on failed Address will cancel automatically.

15. Now wait for cashback to come after that cancel your buy more save more product , you will get refund immediately.

Now for unlimited trick
Eg. You have selected maximum quantity 24 in first and second account. And 4 quantity in third account means you can do this trick 5 times more with same product in third account. After that select another product from above do same process in 1 and 2 account then in 3rd account

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