Junk Mail

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Добавлено от megashout
25 Просмотры
In this video, I'm sharing a video showing how wasteful credit card companies are. In a desperate effort to gain more customers and do more business. It is indicative of the culture of waste, debt and consumerism ingrained into the American psyche.

I hope you find my tips and hacks helpful for figuring out how to reduce the amount of garbage and recycling that goes out each week. Small zero waste lifestyle changes add up to big impacts and we can all play our part!

Stay tuned for more and thanks for watching!



Blog: www.therepurposinglife.com


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Captions & Editing Credits:
Veronica of The Repurposing Life

Filming Credits:
Veronica of The Repurposing Life

#zerowaste #lowwaste #plasticfree #mail #junkmail #amex #americanexpress #waste #consciousconsumer #consumer #business #economy #economics #deforestation #paper #roi #returnoninvestment #demographics #credit #creditcard #onehundredcompanies #100companies #consumerism #debt #creditcarddebt
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